SHIC Addresses Strep. zoo with Addition to Matrix and New Fact Sheet

Strep equi spp zooepidemicus (S. zoo) was added to the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) Swine Bacterial Disease Matrix in February 2021 and a fact sheet focused on S. zoo has been added to the SHIC Fact Sheet library. Drs. Raghavendra Amachawadi, Kansas State University, Maria Clavijo, Iowa State University (ISU), Rachel Derscheid, ISU, Connie Gebhart, University of Minnesota, Angela Pillatzki, South Dakota State University, and Nubia Resende-De-Macedo, ISU convened to review the Bacterial Matrix list, score S. zoo for its position on the Matrix and review the new fact sheet. Dr. Kerry Leedom-Larson, ISU, worked with SHIC to do the literature review and drafting for the S. zoo Fact Sheet.

S. zoo received the second highest score of the bacterial pathogens on the Swine Bacterial Disease Matrix. The group considered potential public health impact, the need for more efficacious intervention tools, diagnostic capabilities, potential impact on swine health, welfare and production and potential market impacts as they scored S. zoo for its position on the Matrix.

The Swine Bacterial Disease Matrix goes along with SHIC’s Swine Viral Disease Matrix, a prioritized list of endemic and foreign swine viruses. The Swine Bacterial Disease Matrix offers a focused, prioritized look at the US pork industry’s bacterial risks, consistent with SHIC’s continued focus on emerging pathogens of swine. Both are important tools and part of SHIC’s mission to protect and enhance the health of the US swine herd.

In addition to inclusion on SHIC’s Swine Bacterial Disease Matrix, the new S. zoo Fact Sheet has been developed and posted on the SHIC website. The Fact Sheet models those of the viral pathogens, starting with a summary of important, clinically relevant, information followed by a more complete literature review.  It includes information in these categories:

• Etiology
• Importance
• Public Health
• Infection in Swine
• Treatment
• Cleaning and Disinfection
• Prevention and Control
• Transmission
• Pathogenesis
• Diagnosis
• Epidemiology
• Immunity
• History in Swine
• Gaps in Preparedness

As the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, SHIC continues to focus efforts on prevention, preparedness, and response to novel and emerging swine disease for the benefit of US swine health. As a conduit of information and research, SHIC encourages sharing of its publications and research. Forward, reprint, and quote SHIC material freely. SHIC is funded by America’s pork producers to fulfill its mission to protect and enhance the health of the US swine herd. For more information, visit or contact Dr. Sundberg at [email protected].

March 17, 2021

SHIC Addresses Strep. zoo with Addition to Matrix and New Fact Sheet

Strep equi spp zooepidemicus (S. zoo) was added to the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) Swine Bacterial Disease Matrix in February 2021 and a fact sheet […]
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