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Industry collaboration will focus on protecting animal, public health
DES MOINES, Jan. 15, 2019 – In 2013, when pork producers faced an outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, or PEDV, the U.S. pork industry put a renewed emphasis on farm biosecurity. Today, the U.S. pork industry has aligned its efforts to reduce the risks from foreign animal disease (FAD) by creating the National Swine Disease Council (NSDC).
The council is comprised of key industry leaders from six distinct areas of swine science expertise. NSDC leadership includes representatives from the National Pork Board, the National Pork Producers Council, the North American Meat Institute, the Swine Health Information Center, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as well as state animal health officials.
“The biggest risk we face is any foreign animal disease entering the U.S.,” said Paul Sundberg, executive director, Swine Health Information Center. “As an industry, we have decades of response experience and are well prepared for any number of swine-specific diseases, however a new or emerging disease can threaten animal health and welfare, as well as public health. While it is virtually impossible to prevent every disease from entering the U.S., the formation of this council will allow us to respond even more quickly thereby mitigating risk to herd health through fast action and response.”
A newly emerging disease can also disrupt U.S. pork exports and commerce, negatively impacting pork producers and their businesses. The combined expertise of the participating organizations will center on rapid response to diseases that threaten the U.S. pork industry.
“The National Pork Board is well positioned to respond having invested producer dollars over the past 30 years to establish research priorities and response protocols,” said Dave Pyburn, Pork Checkoff senior vice president of science and technology. “In the end, it comes down to producer awareness and education, which is our area of expertise. We have outstanding programs in place and pig farmers are committed to on-farm biosecurity procedures.” Additionally, 90 percent of farms have a Premises Identification Number, according to a November 2018 producer survey.
Starting with the formation of the council and identification of member participants, the producers and their organizations will turn their focus toward providing recommendations in collaboration with state and federal animal health officials, and other industry stakeholders, to respond to emerging swine diseases. Any disease could potentially threaten herd health and negatively affect the U.S. pork industry. This focus specifically includes:
The council will rely on subject matter experts to advise and inform on every aspect of disease management. That may include forming short- and long-term project teams to make, review, and implement appropriate recommendations.
“There has already been a significant amount of work done to identify and assess foreign and emerging disease outbreaks and non-regulatory disease outbreaks in the U.S.,” said Harry Snelson, American Association of Swine Veterinarians. “But we can always improve coordination in assessing and responding. The NSDC will facilitate that strategy.”
Rapid and effective response to disease outbreaks is the council’s top priority. Understanding what diseases exist in the world and keeping them out of the country continues to be the most important task in terms of risk management as those diseases pose a significant threat to U.S. pork production.
“Each of the six organizations has deep experience working together, and we each look forward to even more collaboration in the years ahead,” said Liz Wagstrom, National Pork Producers Council. “The end game for each of us is to improve disease detection, assessment, containment and eradication. Only then can we rest knowing that the nation’s pork supply is secure, the animal agriculture and food production industry is stable, and public health is protected.”
About The American Association of Swine Veterinarians
Based in Perry, Iowa, the AASV has approximately 1,300 members involved in practice, industry, and academia in more than 40 countries. It is the mission of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians to increase the knowledge of swine veterinarians; protect and promote the health and well-being of pigs; advocate science-based approaches to veterinary, industry, and public health issues; promote the development and availability of resources that enhance the effectiveness of professional activities; create opportunities that inspire personal and professional growth and interaction; and mentor students, encouraging life-long careers as swine veterinarians.
About The National Pork Board
The National Pork Board has responsibility for Checkoff-funded research, promotion and consumer information projects and for communicating with pork producers and the public. The Pork Checkoff funds national and state programs in advertising, consumer information, retail and foodservice marketing, export market promotion, production improvement, science and technology, swine health, pork safety and sustainability and environmental management.
About The National Pork Producers Council
NPPC is the global voice for the U.S. pork industry, protecting the livelihoods of America’s 60,000 pork producers, who abide by ethical principles in caring for their animals, in protecting the environment and public health and in providing safe, wholesome, nutritious pork products to consumers worldwide. For more information, visit
About The North American Meat Institute
NAMI is a national trade association that represents companies that process 95 percent of red meat and 70 percent of turkey products in the U.S. and their suppliers throughout America. In addition, NAMI conducts scientific research through its Foundation designed to help meat and poultry companies improve their plants and their products. The Institute’s many meetings and educational seminars also provide excellent networking and information-sharing opportunities for members of the industry.
About The Swine Health Information Center
Funded by America’s pork producers to protect and enhance the health of the U.S. swine herd, the Swine Health Information Center focuses its efforts on prevention, preparedness, and response. As a conduit of information and research, SHIC encourages sharing of its publications and research for the benefit of swine health. For more information, visit, or contact Dr. Paul Sundberg at [email protected].
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